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How to set up a phenomenal dust extraction system (on a budget)

How to set up a phenomenal dust extraction system (on a budget)

Nick George |

If you've ever tried to put together your own dust extraction system, you’ve probably found that it can be a nightmare trying to actually get all the parts to connect as you want them to. This isn’t to mention, it can also get damn expensive.

So today I’m going to take you into my humble little home workshop to show you how I put together my system and hopefully, save you a bunch of money and hassle in constructing yours.

Buying dust extractor fittings in a complete kit

It’ll probably come as no surprise that buying all your fittings together in one kit makes a lot of sense.

We've recently got the Sherwood's Dust Extractor Wall Mounted Kit in stock, which is a whole pack of different connections.

Buying a kit like this makes collecting everything you need to set up your system easy, primarily because everything is made by the same manufacturer in the same sizes, so you know it’s all going to fit.

The importance of 63 milimetre (or 2.5 inch) dust extraction fittings

This kit uses the 63 milimetre system - the two and a half inch - which is one of the most popular ones in the USA at the moment and one that we’ve been asked to create by many of our customers.

Personally, I've got a smaller home workshop that I've set up. As it's my space, it's really important to me to keep it clean and keep it all functioning fluidly, so I don’t end up with a messy workshop.

Having a kit like this just means all of my machines are connected up into the suitable extraction fittings and power needed, so whenever I use anything it works point to point and it's clean straight away.

A guide to setting up dust extraction systems in rental properties

One of the big problems people face with setting up a dust extraction system in a home workshop is if, like me, you’re renting and therefore unable to actually fit in a big system or connect something that's going to be permanent.

The good thing about this system is it just clips together. I've connected mine up just using cable ties to hold it and it's quite lightweight.

What makes it so great is that it does come with a lot of different parts and it’s got about eight meters of straight plug, which for any home workshop is enough to set it up exactly how you want.

Another great thing is the 63 millimetre fitting, as its now have more of a more of a standard.

It's very easy to find other parts, whether it's flexible hose or other connections. I've connected mine up with a two horsepower dust extractor - like the FM 300 - and I've still got enough power to put a four inch hose off the wire connector to my bigger machinery.

Then, I can still run a two and a half inch around the walls to connect up to my smaller machinery.

The way I've connected mine up, I've got the clear piping running around the end and coming down with a blast gate intersection to section off the individual tools.

How to set up dust extraction piping to your woodworking machines

The machines I've got my extractor system running to:

  • One pipe which is going to my scroll saw grinder and drill press
  • The second hose here goes straight down to the lathe, which enables me to suck up those chips before they hit the floor
  • The final hose connects overhead, where I can connect my hand power tools whether I’m cutting dominoes in something or using a biscuitter, that means it gets all the chips away from that as well.

It only took me about an hour and a half to put the entire kit together, which I have to admit was really enjoyable and fun, just like playing with Lego as a kid.

It's very easy to use, you don't need any instructions, it just goes together and connects to your exhaust extractor and you're good to go.

Setting up a permanent dust extraction system in a small home workshop

If you did want to set it up a little bit more permanently than I had (i.e. you're not renting) this kit does also come with these wall mounts and quite a large amount of them, so you can effectively mount your system to your walls as well.

This kit also connects perfectly with the two and a half inch hull type kit that we have at Timbecon, which I find is great because you can run your clear piping right down to the tools and it also has a range of different heads that you can swap around.

This way, you can put the Big Gulp vacuum head on if you’re using it to lathe and you can put more of a traditional vacuum head on if you're using something on the drill press.

My favourite part? You can set it up so it's exactly where and what you need, even if those needs change over time.