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Torquata  |  SKU: TQ-08589

Torquata Mitre Guide with Aluminium Fence and Box Joint Accessory

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Torquata Mitre Guide with Aluminium Fence and Box Joint Accessory

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Do you want to saw precise crosscut angles on your table saw or bandsaw? Do you want to machine tight box joinery? Then check out this Torquata Mitre Guide with Box Joint Jig. This precisely built mitre gauge is your economical entry into high quality wood working.

Crosscutting and machining accurately with your equipment is a critical challenge for every woodworker. And you want predictable and repeatable results without spending a complete fortune. Are you dreaming? Not anymore.

The Torquata Mitre Gauge

This mitre gauge allows you to perform a broad range of accurate, predictable and repeatable crosscuts on your table saw or bandsaw. This gauge is fully adjustable so you may complete a very broad range of crosscutting tasks. It is durable and precisely made, ensuring years of effortless and accurate crosscutting.

Add a Box joint accessory

The Torquata Mitre Gauge includes a Box Joint Jig Accessory. This jig is made with two adjustable aluminium fingers that set the width of box joint pins and sockets from 3 to 25mm in width. The aluminium fence features a checked-out section allowing the cutting tool to pass through the material without damaging the fence. Machine tight box joints of a variety of widths simply and efficiently on either your table saw or router table.

Positive stop angle adjustment

The Torquata Mitre Gauge features a positive stop mechanism. This stop locks the mitre gauges protractor plate securely in position while you make your cut. The protractor plate is made from plate steel and is clearly marked with angles through +/- 60 degrees. There are 27 hard lock positions - one every 5 degrees, plus two at +/- 22.5 degrees.

Aluminium fence with hard plastic facing

The 450mm long mitre gauge fence is made from durable aluminium extrusion. The extrusion features several T slots designed to house the flip stop, the hard plastic facings and to mount the fence to the side unit. The fence is checked-out to facilitate the box joint jig accessory.

Flip stop

The fence features a hard plastic lockable flip stop, ideal for repeat cuts and docking.

Adjustable aluminium mitre track slide

The 19mm x 9.5mm aluminium mitre track slide is suitable for use with table saws, bandsaws and router tables. The slide features four tracking guides to eliminate slop and produce superior accuracy. The aluminium slide is detachable so may be replaced if the supplied slide does not fit your machine.

Knurled brass fixings

The Torquata Mitre Gauge with Box Joint Accessory features two knurled brass knobs. The primary knob is used to fix the protractor plate and push the gauge when is use. Measuring 82mm long and 30mm in diameter, this knob is hefty and easy to grip. The secondary knob measuring 20mm in length and 18mm in diameter, is equally easy to grip making firm adjustments a straightforward process.

About Torquata

Torquata produce a range of router bits, saw blades, woodturning tools and woodworking accessories specified for the Australian woodworker. Torquata tools economical, versatile and well made. Torquata means affordable quality.




Model SKU


Country of origin



Limited lifetime

Protractor plate dimensions

95 x 178 x 2.6mm thick – plate steel

Protractor plate markings

+/- 60 degrees hard fix every 5 degrees plus +/1 22.5 degrees

Aluminium fence dimensions

30 x 60 x 455mm long

Includes hard plastic faceplates 15mm in thickness

Aluminium mitre slide dimensions

9.5 x 19 x 450mm


Knurled brass


Torquata Mitre Guide with Aluminium Fence and Box Joint Accessory


Do you want to saw precise crosscut angles on your table saw or bandsaw? Do you want to machine tight box joinery? Then check out this Torquata Mitre Guide with Box Joint Jig. This precisely built mitre gauge is your economical entry into high quality wood working.

Crosscutting and machining accurately with your equipment is a critical challenge for every woodworker. And you want predictable and repeatable results without spending a complete fortune. Are you dreaming? Not anymore.

The Torquata Mitre Gauge

This mitre gauge allows you to perform a broad range of accurate, predictable and repeatable crosscuts on your table saw or bandsaw. This gauge is fully adjustable so you may complete a very broad range of crosscutting tasks. It is durable and precisely made, ensuring years of effortless and accurate crosscutting.

Add a Box joint accessory

The Torquata Mitre Gauge includes a Box Joint Jig Accessory. This jig is made with two adjustable aluminium fingers that set the width of box joint pins and sockets from 3 to 25mm in width. The aluminium fence features a checked-out section allowing the cutting tool to pass through the material without damaging the fence. Machine tight box joints of a variety of widths simply and efficiently on either your table saw or router table.

Positive stop angle adjustment

The Torquata Mitre Gauge features a positive stop mechanism. This stop locks the mitre gauges protractor plate securely in position while you make your cut. The protractor plate is made from plate steel and is clearly marked with angles through +/- 60 degrees. There are 27 hard lock positions - one every 5 degrees, plus two at +/- 22.5 degrees.

Aluminium fence with hard plastic facing

The 450mm long mitre gauge fence is made from durable aluminium extrusion. The extrusion features several T slots designed to house the flip stop, the hard plastic facings and to mount the fence to the side unit. The fence is checked-out to facilitate the box joint jig accessory.

Flip stop

The fence features a hard plastic lockable flip stop, ideal for repeat cuts and docking.

Adjustable aluminium mitre track slide

The 19mm x 9.5mm aluminium mitre track slide is suitable for use with table saws, bandsaws and router tables. The slide features four tracking guides to eliminate slop and produce superior accuracy. The aluminium slide is detachable so may be replaced if the supplied slide does not fit your machine.

Knurled brass fixings

The Torquata Mitre Gauge with Box Joint Accessory features two knurled brass knobs. The primary knob is used to fix the protractor plate and push the gauge when is use. Measuring 82mm long and 30mm in diameter, this knob is hefty and easy to grip. The secondary knob measuring 20mm in length and 18mm in diameter, is equally easy to grip making firm adjustments a straightforward process.

About Torquata

Torquata produce a range of router bits, saw blades, woodturning tools and woodworking accessories specified for the Australian woodworker. Torquata tools economical, versatile and well made. Torquata means affordable quality.




Model SKU


Country of origin



Limited lifetime

Protractor plate dimensions

95 x 178 x 2.6mm thick – plate steel

Protractor plate markings

+/- 60 degrees hard fix every 5 degrees plus +/1 22.5 degrees

Aluminium fence dimensions

30 x 60 x 455mm long

Includes hard plastic faceplates 15mm in thickness

Aluminium mitre slide dimensions

9.5 x 19 x 450mm


Knurled brass

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