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Trend  |  SKU: KWJ-650

Trend 650mm Kitchen Worktop Router Jig

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Trend 650mm Kitchen Worktop Router Jig

Accurately fit kitchen worktops with Trend’s multi-function Kitchen Worktop Jig; a time-saving solution for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

The 650mm Kitchen Worktop Router Jig is an efficient tool for precisely fitting kitchen worktops. Made from durable 12mm thick CNC-machined Compact Grade High-Pressure Laminate, this jig ensures reliable performance and longevity.

Setting up and cutting both parts of the joint is quick and easy, making it a time-saving solution for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike. This jig handles worktops up to 40mm thick, accommodating designs with or without anti-drip postformed edges. It can accommodate 4 different widths ranging from 600 to 650mm.


  • Two open-ended bolt recesses (dog bone style) for 150mm bolts
  • 10mm diameter plastic pins with tapered shoulder for tight fit provides three-point pin contact to ensure ease of setting up
  • Left hand and right-hand corners
  • 400mm radius peninsular joint
  • 35mm kitchen door hole
  • Fixed lengths for 600mm, 616mm, 635mm and 650mm wide worktops
  • ABS plastic pins for added strength

Requirements (not included)

Guide Bushing: 30 mm

Router Bit: Straight Plunge bit, 12.7mm (1/2in) diameter x 50mm (2in) length

F-Clamps: min. 80mm throat x2


Peninsula Radius: 400mm

Female cut material width loss (inset): 33 mm

Bolt Recesses: 2

Jig Dimensions: Length: 881 L x 236 W x 12mm H

Weight: 3.3 kg


Trend 650mm Kitchen Worktop Router Jig


Accurately fit kitchen worktops with Trend’s multi-function Kitchen Worktop Jig; a time-saving solution for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

The 650mm Kitchen Worktop Router Jig is an efficient tool for precisely fitting kitchen worktops. Made from durable 12mm thick CNC-machined Compact Grade High-Pressure Laminate, this jig ensures reliable performance and longevity.

Setting up and cutting both parts of the joint is quick and easy, making it a time-saving solution for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike. This jig handles worktops up to 40mm thick, accommodating designs with or without anti-drip postformed edges. It can accommodate 4 different widths ranging from 600 to 650mm.


Requirements (not included)

Guide Bushing: 30 mm

Router Bit: Straight Plunge bit, 12.7mm (1/2in) diameter x 50mm (2in) length

F-Clamps: min. 80mm throat x2


Peninsula Radius: 400mm

Female cut material width loss (inset): 33 mm

Bolt Recesses: 2

Jig Dimensions: Length: 881 L x 236 W x 12mm H

Weight: 3.3 kg

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